Saratoga County Jail Programs
Example Forms
These are blank copies of some of the forms used in Saratoga County jail's system of reentry programs, reprinted with consent from the program. Please take look, gain some ideas, adapt for your own uses, or just understand better how the program functions!
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Example Schedule
Saratoga County Jail
Recovery Pod
This gives a loose idea of what the schedule has looked like in the past. The program options are constantly expanding, especially as the jail recovers from COVID-19.
Healing Springs Recovery Center Example Schedule
Schedule of events, also available on their website:
Example Sign Up Sheets
This is the template for a variety of sign-up sheets posted around Saratoga County jail for all the different groups, as well as for CRPA Initiative services. They're posted around the jail for incarcerated folks to sign themselves up for services.
Click the icon
to download the file
Vetting/Screening Form
This is the form used by the CRPA Initiative to gain some quick information about everyone engaging in services.
CRPA Initiative and Discharge Planning Engagement Form
Used to keep track of clients and assist during the discharge planning process.
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Release of Information
Because the programs at Saratoga are HIPAA-compliant, a release of information must be signed by the client stating what information can be shared, and with whom.
scroll down to see the full form!
Discharge Plan Form
This form is used to document someone's 'discharge plan', or the plan made with Ben or the other discharge planner at the jail, which outlines the services the person is connecting with.